Our Mission
Antisemitism Watch's approach is rooted in nonpartisanship, aiming to address all forms of antisemitism without political bias, which is central to our mission. We believe in exposing and combating antisemitism wherever it appears, whether from extremist groups, political movements, or within academic discourse.
The October 7 Hamas terror attack provided ample proof that the educational facilities in the U.S. have produced a generation of antisemites and anti-Israel zealots. We are lobbying at the federal and state level to make adjustments in curricula, create an exception to tenure teaching so that hate speech will qualify for dismissal for cause, and public accountability for university administrations when it comes to equal protection of all students and faculty from hate speed and violence.
The widespread ignorance that fuels this hatred can be extinguished but it will take an effort of many of us, all focused on a single goal of eliminating antisemitism.
Our 2025 Initiatives
Daily Incidents Reporting. A log of antisemitic incidents around the world, providing a comprehensive resource for understanding the scope and nature of antisemitism. This includes violence, vandalism, and hate speech targeting Jewish individuals and communities. We verify and provide a link to every incident.
Educational Outreach. We work to educate the public about the various forms of antisemitism, from both right-wing and the left-wing, as well as in academic and corporate settings. We provide resources that explain the historical and contemporary manifestations of anti-Jewish hatred.
Critique of Mainstream Jewish Organizations. We highlight the selective approaches by which some mainstream Jewish organizations address antisemitism, particularly when it comes from political or ideological allies. Antisemitism Watch believes that antisemitism should be opposed regardless of its source.
Advocacy for the IHRA Definition. Antisemitism Watch supports and works for the adoption of the use of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism as a tool for identifying and countering antisemitic behavior.
Support for Legislation and Policy. We advocate for policies and laws that protect against antisemitism, pushing for accountability and action from governments and international bodies. In the United States, for instance, we support the Department of Justice using laws designed originally to go after the Ku Klux Klan, be used now to investigate the groups and individuals who have funded and organized anti-Jewish violence at universities and in American cities.
Media and Public Awareness. Through online and direct mail campaigns, as well as various media engagements, we aim to increase awareness about antisemitism. We often provide commentary, analysis, and interviews to media outlets to discuss current incidents and trends.
Partnerships and Networking. Antisemitism Watch collaborates with other groups and individuals committed to fighting antisemitism, fostering a network that can share information, resources, and strategies.